March 20,2009 -- was no ordinary day!
while oN my way to scHool I'm in a stAte of aNxiEty!
I'll be faCing my worst niGhtmaRe..
oR onE of thE d beSt daYs iN my liFe
TODAY - one of the biggest judgment of my life
is About to hapPen.. and thAt is called:
E L I M i N a T i O N
As i wAs aBoUt to enTer the Dean'S offiCe,
it wAs aN "uh-um-uh bAngin aq eliminAte"
aNd now it's my fAce the deAn of colleGe!
luB-duB -- lUb-dUb
"faMily naMe?" - he aSked!
"Cagara, siR" - i replied!
2.16" - he utterEd after lookiNg at the big chArt befOre hiM!
"thaNks God" - i exclAimeD!
anD then he gAve me the eNrollmeNt forM!
I maDe it!!! I maDe it!!!!
thiS was oNe of the bEst moMents iN my 17 yeArs oN eaRth
and yes..this part of my life was called:
H A P P I N E S S.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
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